
Insights for the future from across the payments industry

This is a landmark report from OMFIF (Official Monetary & Financial Institutions Forum) DMI (Digital Monetary Institute), a high-level group which convenes policy-makers, technologists, financiers and regulators to explore the challenges and opportunities of digital finance. The report builds on OMFIF fields research and survey work and pulls in contributions and perspectives from Algorand, Citi, Cypherium, GrabPay, Mastercard, Novi (from Facebook), PayPal and SWIFT.



OMFIF - the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum - is an independent think tank for central banking, economic policy and public investment. A neutral platform for best practice in worldwide public-private sector exchanges. Through OMFIF's Digital Monetary Institute, policy-makers, technologists, financiers and regulators convene to explore the challenges and opportunities of digital finance.


The OMFIF Digital Monetary
Institute (DMI) is a high-level group
which convenes policy-makers,
technologists, financiers and
regulators to explore the challenges
and opportunities of digital finance.
The principal focus is on
payments instruments in wholesale
and retail markets, with central bank
digital currency being of particular

Algorand Inc

Algorand Inc. built the world's first open-source,  pure proof-of-stake blockchain protocol for the next generation of financial products. The brainchild of Turing Award-winning cryptographer Silvio Micali. Algorand is dedicated to removing friction from financial exchange, powering the DeFi evolution by enabling the creation and exchange of value, building new financial tools and services, bringing assets on-chain, and providing responsible privacy models.